High quality and engaging resources including: lessons, workbooks, trackers, schemes of work for Computing, IT, Computer Science, Digital Literacy, Business and more...
High quality and engaging resources including: lessons, workbooks, trackers, schemes of work for Computing, IT, Computer Science, Digital Literacy, Business and more...
Keep a track of how students are progressing in their R094 NEA coursework using this free coursework progress tracker for your classes.
Easily mark students as either, “some completed”, “most completed” or “fully completed” on each section of the coursework, all broken down with an easy key entering system that is colour coded.
Fully editable and easily add/remove students.
Have multiple tabs for each class
Shows each students overall progress on coursework
Mark each student on their file naming/professionalism of files and documents
Simple and easy to use
Created using Microsoft Excel but fully compatable with Google Sheets.
Course Tracker for Cambridge National J834 Creative iMedia
Fully editable - change all formulas/formating etc to suit your needs
Calculates grades based on R093, R094 and OPTIONAL UNIT (R095, R096, R097, R098, R099) results
Calculates the required marks to move up a mark band in each unit and also the exam.
Section for each students predicted and current grades.
Calculates overall marks for the course to show you where your students are currently at.
FUTURE PROOF - can change the tracker to reflect any future changes made to the marks on the course.
Created in Microsoft Excel but fully compatible with Google Slides
Buy both the Creative iMedia and Enterprise and Marketing trackers together saving 25%!
Course Tracker for Cambridge National J817 Enterprise and Marketing
Fully editable - change all formulas/formating etc to suit your needs
Calculates grades based on R067, R068 and R069 results
Calculates the required marks to move up a mark band in each unit and also the exam.
Section for each students predicted and current grades.
Calculates overall marks for the course to show you where your students are currently at.
FUTURE PROOF - can change the tracker to reflect any future changes made to the marks on the course.
Created in Microsoft Excel but fully compatible with Google Slides
Course Tracker for Cambridge National J834 Creative iMedia
Fully editable - change all formulas/formating etc to suit your needs
Calculates grades based on R093, R094 and OPTIONAL UNIT (R095, R096, R097, R098, R099) results
Calculates the required marks to move up a mark band in each unit and also the exam.
Section for each students predicted and current grades.
Calculates overall marks for the course to show you where your students are currently at.
FUTURE PROOF - can change the tracker to reflect any future changes made to the marks on the course.
Created in Microsoft Excel but fully compatible with Google Slides